The one everyone's waiting for. Ok well I can't remember then names of things and I just got back. The Biennale was INCREDIBLE though, some of the best work from around the world all collected in Venice. Commence the dodgy phone pictures form the Giardini!
The Making Worlds core exhibit:
Can't remember the name but it took up a big big room:

A huge way to project films by winding the film around loads and loads of reels:
Sparkly sandpit:
Amazing shadow puppetry with spinning toys:
Creepy underground room with clay plants and claymations:
Flying dictionaries:
Seb under a sign that actually said 'riot kitchen':
The pavilions themselves were hit and miss as I imagine they always would be. America:
Well they would wouldn't they? I think the next one was an eastern European country. Don't know which though:
Poland's incredibly effective projections:
Germany tries to be funny:
Everyone's favourite though, had to be the Danish pavilion with their two weird houses:
Seb licks flies in Denmark:
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