From when I really, really, used to try.
>From: tobias Revell
>Subject: Graphic Design Project
>Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 16:15:28 +0000 (GMT)
>Dear Sir/Madam
>I am a first year student studying Graphic Design at
>the London College of Communication. As part of a
>brief we have been asked to design a conceptual
>invitation to a party with hosts, theme and location
>chosen at random.
>I drew (from a hat) Th Magic Circle hosting a party of
>Optical Illusions at Kew Gardens.
>My idea so far involves the summoning of imps in cages
>of mithril that perform, with props, a sketch that
>outlines the theme, place and time of the party. The
>imp then dissapears in a flash of multicoloured light
>to reveal a multi-dimensional arcane brass clock that
>follows the invitee around counting down the time to
>the party.
>How can I make this happen using just magic?
>Many thanks,
>Tobias Revell
Dear Tobias,
Thanks for your enquiry.
I believe that you may have set yourself an almost impossible task.
What you
are seeking to achieve would tax the brains of many experienced
illusionists. Personally, I have no idea how you would achieve these
effects. It sounds to me an expensive project and I am really unable to
you what you would need.
The best I can do is to attach a brochure about The Magic Circle.
All I can do is wish you well with your course.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Pratt
Secretary - The Magic Circle
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