It's not unknown that I liked the Twilight film. It was entertaining and fun and the actors were fun to look at. I've never read the books though and probably never will.
However, I was made aware of the link with
Wuthering Heights and the
Twilight series some time ago however, apparently
Stephanie Meyer says it's one of the greatest inspirations behind the books, and one can certainly see a link in the plotline as well as the style. So it's great (in a not-so-great kind of way) to see that Wuthering Heights has been
'lovingly repackaged for a teen audience' by Harper Collins. Aw.

Perhaps it's the new found link between classic fiction and horror romance that has led to this summer's 'surprise smash-hit' Pride and Perjudice and Zombies. Just to keep you clued up other planned titles (genuinely) include; Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter (subtitled She Loved Her Country - She Hated Demons,) I am Scrooge: A Zombie Story for Christmas and Pinnochio: Vampire Slayer.

If all the literary world has to do in order to weather the economic squidge is pump out a couple of genre-ambiguous horror mash-ups then perhaps that's a lesson for other industries. The Ferrari Polo Diesel, Boeing Routemaster and Topshop Builderwear all have the potential to act as umbrellas in economically 'inclement' weather. Even at a larger scale the financial sector could learn from this genre cross-over; Santander Zombie Insurance for instance or even Enron Imaganitive Accountancy Division. Sorry, I guess even some of the more adventurous money-making schemes have already been tried.
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"It's R-Patz Bitch"
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