9 May 2009

My Combined Jon Spencer Lists.

Decided to amalgamate all the silly Jon Spencer lists I make. I can't help it, I always put it on when I work then start writing lists. Sorry.

Food Mentioned or Alluded to in Jon Spencer Blues Explosion lyrics.

Magical Colours - 'Baby, do you like hotdogs? Mustard, onion, sauerkraut? I'd like to eat a hotdog with you.'
Chicken Dog - 'Mama bought a chicken, thought it was a duck. Put him on the table with the legs stickin' up.'
Wait A Minute - 'I like apple-pie. I like eskimo pie'
Flavor - 'You got the flavor.'
Dynamite Lover - 'This porridge is hot.'

The Best Things Jon Spencer has said in His Life so Far.

'Do you wanna get heavy?'
'Bayby... hayve mercay.'
'Chu-chu-chu got-to help mey.'
'Laaadies and gentlemen right now I gotta tell ya about, the most fabulous, most groovy...bellbottoms.'
"You got tha flava!'
'oh shiiiiiiitttt!'
'I'd like everyone in the audience to stand up, put your hands in the air and ... kiss my assss!'

The Worst Things Jon Spencer has said in His Life so Far.

'I should get sideburns and join a rockabilly band called Heavy Trash.'

Cities That The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion are Number One In According to the Song "Flavor"

DC (Washington)
San Francisco
Los Angeles
New York City
Kansas City
Oklahoma City
Jackson, Mississippi

In graph form:

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