21 October 2008

My Complex Mechanics

This is taken from the Passing Time blog. I get a huge thrill from the simply stunning engineering that goes into watch making. These guys fight a hard battle against the digital age and it's only the beauty of the horological arts that keep this alive. Yes, my ex would probably agree that I'm very dull and boring.

Watch Parts
This is a Tourbillon, it is a device which keeps the spring and escapement cogs in a mechanical watch in a constant vertical alignment with the earth by use of a rolling cage. The fine detail on these things is stunning.

Here is one installed on a hand made watch.

And another.

This is a close up view of an actual modern tourbillon, the thing is a matter of millimeters across and so the angles and sizes of the hundreds of parts involved need to be perfect if it is to maintain perfect accuracy.



I haven't had any passive-aggressive comments from angry anonymities for a while. It seems I'm not annoying enough people anymore. I'm sorry, I'll try harder. You lifeless, soulless shadows of blind social insecurity. Bya.

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